Shame on me. I work at a school that is known for its fine arts so I knew about the sculpture fields for a long time now but I had not taken the time to go there (in fact, we have several sculptures on our campus by artists represented in this Sculpture Field). Wow, just wow! Secret the Wonder Pup and I headed over to Montague Park at about 8:30am and my first thought driving there was, "Hmmm, this isn't the best of neighborhoods, I hope it is safe." As I pulled up into the parking lot there was just 2 cars there, a Porsche and a Range Rover. I figure if they felt safe parking their cars there then my Forerunner would be just fine.

The Sculpture Fields was a magnificent adventure for Secret and me. Winding paths of gravel take you along these strikingly amazing sculptures. I was shocked with just how many sculptures were on the premises (around 35)- each uniquely different and appealing in their own way. You can even download an app called
Otocast and take part in some "creative-based learning" on these 33 acres right in the midst of warehouses on Chattanooga's southside. The app allows you to stand in front of each sculpture and listen to the artist's introduction of the sculpture itself.
My goal for the day was exercise but I found myself quickly getting that out of the way so that I could spend some time just enjoying the art on the grounds. Much like my epiphany moment at the
Wheland Foundry Trailhead, my preconceived notion of what Montague Park was like now was quickly shattered by the intentional beauty that exists there.
You see, Montague Park was once a thriving softball park in Chattanooga. Growing up in this area, everyone knew where the park was and knew it was the place to be for softball. In 2003, it was closed down due to the fact that there were methane leaks in the ballfields because it was over a former landfill. I'm sure every person that ever played there and slide into a plate and received the obligatory mouth full of dirt wondered if they were poisoned for life. In 2008 required renovation began to make it usable again. As I pulled into the parking lot, those were the thoughts in my head.

This park is surrounded by warehouses but is a hidden gem in the midst of industry. The rolling fields lends itself to anticipating the what's over the next corner. As I took out my phone to snap some photos I realized that good ol' Lookout Mountain was once again in the background majestically smiling back at me. That seems to be a recurring theme for many of my hiking days.

Secret the Wonder Pup loved this outing. It had rained and stormed tremendously the night before, so much so that some paths were not passable but because there were so few people around, I was able to let her off the leash and she ran through the puddles at full speed ahead enjoying the scenery and sniffing the sniffs that only dogs think are desirable.

As we finished our morning at the Sculpture Fields I felt like I knew a new secret about that keeps unraveling itself before my eyes this summer. I've lived here for 38 years but the Scenic City keeps pulling me into its wonderfulness. And here is the secret...Chattanooga is represents "rebuilding" in a way that can only be described as an embraced and acknowledged resurrection. Many cities come back from bad press and sweep that time under the rug, but not Chattanooga. Chattanooga not only bounces back but flourishes in the change and shouts from it's mountain tops, "Hey look at us! Look what we are doing to make the world a better place! Look how far we have come! These were our worst spots but we are making them so lovely! Walk here, play here, enjoy here...Welcome to CHA the beautiful!" I see you Chattanooga and while I have been here for 38 years, I feel like there is a side of you I am just getting to know. The bold you that isn't afraid to be a little edgy and different. I like that about you.

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